Continue from Last Chapter: Misunderstanding 2: Reliability Design

Common mistake 7: This single board has been produced in small batches, and no problems have been found after a long time of testing, so there is no need to read the chip manual.

Common Mistake 8: I can’t be blamed for user operation errors.

Positive solution: It is correct to require the user to strictly follow the manual operation, but when the user is a human, and there is a mistake, it cannot be said that the machine will crash when a wrong key is touched, and the board will be burned when a wrong plug is inserted. Therefore, various errors that users may make must be predicted and protected in advance.

Common mistake 9: The reason for the bad board is that there is a problem with the opposite board, which is not my responsibility.

Positive solution: There should be sufficient compatibility for various external hardware interfaces, and you can’t completely strike out because the other party’s signal is abnormal. Its abnormality should only affect the part of the function related to it, and other functions should work normally, and should not be completely on strike, or even permanently damaged, and once the interface is restored, you should immediately return to normal.

Common mistake 10: As long as the software is required to design this part of the circuit, there will be no problem.

Positive solution: Many device features on the hardware are directly controlled by software, but the software often has bugs, and it is impossible to predict what operations will happen after the program runs away. The designer should ensure that no matter what kind of operation the software does, the hardware should not be permanently damaged in a short time.